KaliStrut news

Presentation of the employer label by SDIS26

On Saturday January 20, 2024, our company was honored by the SDIS 26 with the award of the departmental employer-partner label and trophy. At KaliStrut Aerospace, we are proud to count 3 volunteer firefighters among our workforce.


The ceremony took place in St-Vallier on the departmental Saint Barbara's Day, with numerous elected officials, including Mrs Marie-Pierre MOUTON, President of the Departmental Council and SDIS26, and Mr Thierry DEVIMEUX, Prefect of the Drôme. It was an opportunity to remind the crucial role of these first-aid specialists, who carried out 117 interventions per day, on average, over 2023 in our department.


But do you know the origin of Sainte-Barbe's patronage?


Nicknamed the "Saint of Fire", many professions related to fire and lightning are placed under her protection, including firefighters, of course, but also fireworkers, artillerymen, miners...

Legend says that Barbara, a young noblewoman, has converted to Christianity against the wishes of her father Dioscore. As he was furious, he set fire to the tower in which he had locked her up. When she managed to escape unharmed, her father had her beheaded, but was immediately struck down by divine justice.


The celebration of Sainte-Barbe is an opportunity for the corporation to reaffirm group cohesion, by recognizing acts of courage and dedication through the awarding of stripes and decorations, and by paying tribute to firefighters who have died in fire or on duty.



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